Your vision is a precious gift and well worth every moment spent in the face-down recovery process after vitrectomy surgery. Since the development of this sight-saving surgical technique, thousands of people suffering from macular and retinal problems have recovered fully and regained their sight completely.
But the surgical procedure counts for only half of the ultimate success of the surgery. The other half is dependent on the patient’s compliance with the face-down (or prone) positioning required after the surgery, which usually ranges from one to two weeks in duration.
This round-the-clock face down-positioning seems intimidating and even unbearable. But fear no more, the secret to successful compliance is having comfortable equipment designed to optimize your comfort (day and night) and your range of activities so you’ll never be bored or feel constrained.
About McFee Medical Technologies
McFee Medical Technologies was one of the first companies to rent vitrectomy equipment, starting in 1997. Through the years, we have continued to innovate, creating our own products such as the MajicView Mirror and Rollover Alarm.
We pride ourselves on renting the highest quality, cleanest, most comfortable vitrectomy recovery equipment on the market.
McFee Medical Technologies’ caring team will assist you from beginning to end in your recovery process. You can count on us for knowledgeable, friendly service.