Keep Your Independence & Privacy

The LiftWalker from McFee Medical Technologies lets you take care of yourself – no more relying on a caregiver or family member to help you stand up from a chair, bed or toilet! Ideal for people who can walk once they are standing, but simply need help standing.
The LiftWalker provides support and smoothly rolls while walking, and can be easily moved to use at another location. The low profile back wheels fit under most beds and couches and around most chairs and toilets. The robust battery-powered electro-hydraulic lift mechanism is rated for people up to 350 lbs.
Reduces the work load and fatigue of the caregiving staff. Perfect for hospitals, assisted living facilities and at home.
For purchase or rent.
Regain Your Independence
Your freedom and privacy are important. Difficulty in standing up from seated position can cause the loss of these valuable assets.
Whether your loss of mobility is short-term due to knee or hip replacement, surgery or injury or a permanent condition, the LiftWalker from McFee
Medical Technologies is your answer to regaining your independence.
The LiftWalker is two devices in one. The powerful, lithium ion battery powered electro-hydraulic lift mechanism assists you in standing by lifting you by your forearms to an erect position. In reverse, the lift mechanism gently aids you in lowering yourself to a seated position.
No longer will you need a caregiver or family member to help you out of bed or in the bathroom.
State of the Art Equipment
Equipment from McFee Medical Technologies is unsurpassed in quality, design, comfort and safety.
Once standing, the LiftWalker is a smooth rolling walker that provides support and balance letting you easily walk from place to place.
The LiftWalker is ideal in bathrooms and bedrooms, particularly where no handicapped accessories are in place. It is perfect for use at home, in assisted living facilities and hospitals.
The LiftWalker reduces the work load and fatigue on staff and caregivers as well as giving the patient independence.
For indoor use only.
Interested in the LiftWalker?
Call 800-669-5323 for purchase and rental options, or contact us for more details using the form below!